Five Tibetan Rituals for Relief of Back Pain

A position you’ll see in the video

I was browsing at author Jerry Pournelle’s blog recently and noticed his 2006 reference to five Tibetan rituals (sometimes called rites) that relieved his back pain.  I assume the author has garden-variety run-of-the-mill low back pain like most middle-aged folks.

I’m not recommending or endorsing these.  I may try them someday myself.  They just look like flexibility and strengthening exercises to me.

If interested, here’s a how-to article at  Here’s a video demonstration (ignore the top video of Dr. Oz; view the next one down).

Ignore any references you see to Ayurvedic medicine and chakras.

Don’t worry, I’m not going woo on you.

Please share if  you’ve had experience—good or bad—with these.


One response to “Five Tibetan Rituals for Relief of Back Pain

  1. Pingback: Exercises For Low Back Pain | Advanced Mediterranean Life